Vorpanzer which means "spaced armour" in German was fitted to some of the Pz.Kpfw.IV kz Ausf.E. It differed from Zusatzpanzerung because it was spaced from the underlying armour, whereas Zusatzpanzerung was fitted directly onto the armour underneath. Vorpanzer was designed to defeat 105mm HEAT projectiles, and to strip off the piercing caps of APC and APCBC projectiles which would then shatter on the FH armour behind. It also caused any HE filler in such projectiles to detonate prematurely. This kit accurately recreates every detail and features of this armor vehicle.
Main Features:
Turret & Cupola:
- Newly designed turret front and side armor NEW
- Brand new Vorpanzer mantlet armor NEW
- Newly designed storage bin can be assembled open/closed NEW
- Front hull armor NEW
- Front armor plate NEW
- Tow hook pins NEW
- Include the hollowed out undercut on the turret bottom
- Incorporates toothed turret ring on turret interior
- Turret turntable unit included
- Turntable with accurate floor pattern
- Commander's hatch w/ interior detail
- Clear parts for vision port windshield
- Vision port w/ open or closed option
- Cupola hatch can be assembled open or closed
- Direct sighting post can be made from supplied photo-etched parts
- Side hatches can be assembled open/closed with interior details
- Side hatches complete with interior details and stoppers
- Complete gun assembly with full detail
- Beautifully detailed Kwk37 L/24 gun
- Correct catcher for used ammo shells
- Accurate rifling inside gun barrel
- Mantlet view port can be modeled open/closed
- Mantlet guard can be removed and gun unloaded like real vehicle's
Upper Hull:
- New driver's visor NEW
- Driver's hatch and radio operator's hatch w/ interior detail
- Realistic double-layered air intake
- Detailed on-vehicle tools with clasps are injection molded
- Additional on-vehicle tools w/o clasps
- Mounting ladder can be made from photo-etched parts
- Track tools can be made from photo-etched parts
- Injected fenders are made to the thinnest possible dimensions
- Headlights with clear parts inside
- Steering brake inspection hatches can be assembled open/closed
Lower Hull & Rear:
- Lower hull formed from multiple parts for better details NEW TOOLING
- Newly designed hull rear
- Hooks for tow cable made with brass rod
- Separate front and rear fenders can be posed in a folded back position
- Side fenders with pattern detail on both top and bottom surface
- Hull bottom has full and correct details
- Cooling drain cap with photo-etched chain
- One-piece muffler produced by slide molds
- Exhaust pipe with fine detail
- Accurate smoke discharger housing
- Tow cable heads have hollow ends coutesy of slide mould NEW TOOLING
Wheels & Tracks:
- Realistic suspension with multiple component actually works like the real vehicle's
- The final drive housings with separate armoured cover and details on both sides accurately modeled sprocket wheel for Ausf. E
- Suspension armored covers come as separate parts
- Leaf spring front ends can be assembled with or without covers
- Accurate fuel filler caps for armored hull
- Fuel filler hatch open/closed option
- Road wheels exhibit extreme detail with separate rubber rims and hubs
- Realistic parting line on rubber rims
- Convenience of "Magic Tracks" and both left and right tracks accurately modeled
- Accurately portrayed width on rubber rims of wheels
- Idler adjuster mountings have the most accurate details possible with gear inside
- Correctly detailed idler wheels with numerous separate parts
Bonus Items:
- Aluminum barrel
- Metal towing cable
- Jerry cans with photo-etched parts
- Brass ammo
- Metal wire for front and rear lamp electrical wiring
- New Cartograf decal