This kit includes new photo-etched, slide-molded and metal parts, new decals and even an aluminum barrel.
Main Features:
- new multi-direction slide-molded cupola
- cupola with fine interior details - head pad and clear parts
- loader's hatch upgraded with interior details
- new close-defense weapon can be assembled open / closed
- pilz on turret roof are new toolings
- rear turret hatch can be modeled open / closed
- pistol port on rear turret hatch can be assembled open / closed
- pistol port comes with chain when assembled open
- new muzzle brake
- bonus aluminum gun barrel
- sets of on-vehicle tools comes with and without clamps
- metal tow cable with slide-molded cable heads
- upgraded frontal MG can rotate
- bonus U-shaped metal tow hooks
- new exhaust covers
- Magic tracks
- upgraded road wheels
- new Cartograf decals
- photo-etched parts for additional plates on turret sides
- bonus photo-etched on-vehicle tool clamps
- preformed photo-etched engine grills
- photo-etched parts for details of the rear turret hatch interior
- photo-etched parts for the spare track hooks
About the Kingtiger:
The Pz.Kpfw. VI Ausf. B, otherwise known as the Ko"nigstiger or Kingtiger, had a whopping weight of 68 tons. The first of these powerful tanks were issued to combat units in June 1944, and their 8.8cm KwK43 L/71 guns could dispatch any opponent with ease.